NLCC College Ministries     

Norwich University joins NLCC!




Looking for a place to connect with other Christian students? Our college ministry offers Norwich Students:

  • An understanding of Cadet and Civilian Life.
    • We work with your cadre and college staff to make sure you have permission to attend our services and programs.
  • A chance to grow.
    • We have an on-campus bible study that gives you a chance to fellowship with other students while strengthening your personal relationship with God. Past studies have included: “How to Stay Christian in College”, “Every Man’s Battle”, “The Pursuit of Holiness”, and “The Fruitful Life”.
  • A chance to serve.
    • We can help you find a way to use your talents by serving in different areas including: Big Break, Worship Team, foreign and domestic mission trips, audio/visual team, children’s or youth ministry, leading campus Bible studies, and much more.

For more information about our College Ministry:

Contact our college ministry team:
Pastor Tom Alsheimer:
NU Student Leader:  TBD 2021-2022